The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interests (SARFAESI) Act, 2002 The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 The Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018 The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 Published: Nov 19, 1980. 7. false, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DETERMINE STEPS TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND VALIDITY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S INTERIM INVOICES UNDER COST/T&M/LH CONTRACTS:The COR reviews public vouchers (SF 1034) under cost type contracts for ______. ANALYZE THE INSPECTION CLAUSES FOR FIXED TYPE AND COST REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACTS USED IN CONSTRUCTION:In construction, "differing site conditions" are defined as known conditions at the site that the contractor missed during site visits and failed to read in the contract . . . Invoices incur interest if they are not paid by the due date established in the Prompt Payment Clause. x true, IDENTIFY THE DUTY TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL CLARIFICATION TO THE CONTRACTOR WITHOUT CREATING AN UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATION OR CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE TO THE CONTRACT:An unauthorized commitment is caused by government personnel obligating the government without contract authority. You should request that the contractor take a break until class has ended. Covered service employees must receive wages no less than the minimum wage, and for contracts exceeding $2,500, the minimum wages and fringe benefits must be based on rates that the Department of Labor determines as prevailing for service employees in the locality. Additionally, contractors are required to pay overtime wages of one and one-half times regular hourly rates for each hour worked over 40 in a week. . The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency tasked with inspecting and enforcing workplace safety. EU assistance to Ukraine. false, DESCRIBE THE DUTIES OF THE COR AS OUTLINED IN THE DESIGNATION/APPOINTMENT LETTER: Regarding the COR's key duties, choose the correct statement from the following: . Davis-Bacon was pre-New Deal and conceived prior to the Depression though enacted in 1931 as an economic stabilization measure. India, as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), enacted the Act to comply with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. First passed in 1976, the MSA fosters the long-term biological and economic sustainability of marine fisheries. . . For prime contracts exceeding $2,500, contractors and subcontractors performing work are required to pay their employees at least at the wage rate and with the benefits of private employers in the locality at which the work is being performed. Subpart 22.4 - Labor Standards for Contracts Involving Construction The department of Labor is responsible for the enforcement of the Service contract act. This meant that a farmer could expel the entire tenant family if any one member defaulted on his or her labour obligation. IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE EVALUATION FACTORS/CRITERIA:Using informal source selection; the contracting officer acts as the Source Selection Authority but must follow the criteria spelled out in the solicitation when selecting the contractor to receive the award. Subpart 22.3 - Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act 22.300 Scope of subpart. Penalties/Sanctions for companies who fail to comply with the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act, 10. If this is unclear, the contract may still be controlled by the SCA if certain factors are met. How does this relate a customer's perceived value? Select the one statement about the policy on providing contractors government property that is FALSE. . excludes most HOAs). 22.304 Variations, tolerances, and exemptions. If the Administrative Law Judge rules against the contractor, this decision can then be appealed to the Administrative Review Board. at the end of the contract the COR files should be turned over to the Contracting Officer x 6 years ? . Its objectives include: Protecting habitat that fish need to spawn, breed, feed, and . all these statements are correct, RECOGNIZE THE BASIC INFORMATION (PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE, PWS, CONTRACT VALUE) FOUND IN A CONTRACT TO INCLUDE THE UNIFORM CONTRACT FORMAT:All of the following are examples of contract formats except? This statute was enacted to insure that service employees engaged for federal governments are paid as much as the prevailing rates in the location for the same work. false, IDENTIFY THE COMMUNICATIONS NECESSARY AMONG ALL INTERESTED PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT AS FREQUENTLY AS NEEDED TO ENSURE THE SERVICES PROVIDED MEET THE ESTABLISHED STANDARDS:During communications with the contractor the COR may ___________. All of these responses are correct, RECOGNIZE THE REQUIREMENT TO SAFEGUARD DATA WITH RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS:The Contracting Officer's Representative is responsible for safeguarding all proprietary data. true, IN PERFORMANCE BASED CONTRACTS, IDENTIFY TECHNIQUES FOR VERIFYING PERFORMANCE OF WORK IAW THE GOVERNMENT?S QASP:Considerations for choosing an appropriate quality assurance surveillance method for a service contract include: x Risk, cost and urgency, IN PERFORMANCE BASED CONTRACTS, IDENTIFY TECHNIQUES FOR VERIFYING PERFORMANCE OF WORK IAW THE GOVERNMENT?S QASP:The COR can use a variety of techniques for verifying performance, such as: . . true, RECOGNIZE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF FUNDS AND FISCAL CONTROLS APPLIED TO CONTRACTS:Most of the annual requirements for supplies and services are funded with Procurement Funds: . . act's language and legislative history, by Labor's own regulations, or by its administrative manual. From the following statements, select the correct statement pertaining to the Service Contract Act: A) The Service Contract act applies to all service contracts performed in the US with an estimated value under $10,000. This increase may not be within the scope of this tire contract. Requirement for fringe benefits unable to be used for SCA compliance. The SCA has additional reporting requirements regarding fringe benefits. Choose the true statement from the following: . The Service Contract Act was enacted to provide labor standards protection to employees of contractors furnishing services to federal agencies. 2. . . The COR should notify the contractor immediately if there is a discrepancy found in a public voucher/invoice. AN ACT to provide for the protection of geographical indications and to provide for relat ed matters. x Yes, 41 U.S.C. false, DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Past performance assessments include input from the __________: . ANALYZE THE INSPECTION CLAUSES FOR FIXED TYPE AND COST REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACTS USED IN CONSTRUCTION:In construction; a Contracting Officer may suspend work for a "reasonable" period of time. The extended warranty or service contract costs . The Department of Labor has made many regulations implementing the SCA into practice. Press J to jump to the feed. You're a hero. Adjustments to wages and contract prices and costs. The geopolitical economy of the 'new state capitalism', then, far from generating autarchy, is instead 'characterized by geopolitical-economic competition to integrate territory' into respective spheres of influence via connective infrastructure and logistics networks (Schindler et al. . Employee Rights under McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act, 5. . 36 of 1966 Enacted by Parliament of South Africa Assented to 5 October 1966 Commenced 26 October 1966 Repealed 30 June 1991 (2021: 2) and to exert greater control over cross . A. quick followers B. also-rans C. barely-in-the-games D. failure-to-launch. The specified rate of fringe benefits, or value of contributions made to a health plan are not included in wages for purposes of calculating overtime rates under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). . IDENTIFY HOW POTENTIAL ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CAN AFFECT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT:There are numerous statutory and regulatory prohibitions on the conduct of procurement personnel acting in an official capacity. Choose the correct answer pertaining to service contracts from the following: x Under a non-personal services contract, the contractor?s employees may be required to report to a government person. 3 1 Note: if the servicing agency is not subject to the FAR, contact the General Law Division for further advice in drafting the agreement. true, IDENTIFY THE COMMON CAUSES OF CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE:When a contractor performs work beyond that required by the contract without a formal change order and it is perceived that such work was ordered by the Government or caused by Government fault, this is defined as? DETERMINE IF A CHANGE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT:When changes are made to a contract, the government must determine if the change is within ?scope.? The Geneva Act updates and enhances the existing international registration system protecting names that identify the geographic origin of products: the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration of 1958. During a class session, there is a contractor performing noisy construction work in the adjacent hallway. However, the legislative histories are very clear that one of the fundamental purposes of this Act is to protect condominium and community associations from automatic renewal provisions. RECOGNIZE HOW THE COR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVIDING COST ESTIMATES ASSIST KOS IN NEGOTIATING PROPOSED CHANGES IN SCOPE OF WORK UNDER THE CONTRACT:During negotiations for a proposed change to the contract, the COR may be asked to: . From 2003-2010, the number of label adjudication per year averaged 57,457, with a minimum of 43,255 in 2003 and a maximum of 66,061 in 2010. x Present Sally with a letter of appreciation. false, RECOGNIZE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF FUNDS AND FISCAL CONTROLS APPLIED TO CONTRACTS:Major sub-categories of funding include: . Transparency in regulations, inquiry points. Work with the contractor to correct the non-compliance or apply a contract specific remedy. The United States is the largest single market for Sri Lankan exports, importing USD 2.9 billion of the total per U.S. Census Bureau data, while U.S. exports to Sri Lanka were USD 336 million in 2017. A Contracting Officer may ratify an unauthorized commitment if the Government received a benefit, prices were determined to be fair and reasonable, and legal counsel concurs. The instructor requests that you tell the noisy contractor to discontinue work until after class. Which of the following is not a streamlined method of acquisition? true, DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: LIST THE EXCEPTIONS TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE:Your organization has purchased a diesel generator for emergency power support. all of these are correct, IDENTIFY THE VARIOUS METHODS OF CONTRACTING FOR A SUPPLY OR SERVICE:Some methods of contracting require more time than others. What should the COR look for in the contract that protects the government's best interest, i.e. The department of labor issues the wage determination and it applies on the estimated value of over $2,500. And even if eligible, most contractors cannot satisfy the exemption because it limits the workers to spending no more than 20% of their time on the contract so you can't have a workforce dedicated to the SCA-covered government contract. 3381). DATE OF ASSENT: 31st December, 2003. For prime contracts in excess of $100,000, contractors and subcontractors must also, under the provisions of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended, pay . true, DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES:The inspection clause for ____________contracts allows for the contractor to charge the cost of rework to the government. The Wage and Hour Division also provides much information on its website. Employer will also have to pay employment taxes on payments for fringe benefits which may cause the employers contract to be non-competitive. 351 et seq ., and its implementing regulations. all these responses are correct, DESCRIBE A COR'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: IDENTIFY DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS WHEN PERFORMING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE:A COR will typically use a ____________ to document the inspection and acceptance of a supply or service. The Secretary of Labor is tasked with enforcing the provision of the SCA by issuing regulations, orders, conducting hearings, deciding disputes and taking other action as appropriate. These regulations involve various matters from procedure to compensation and safety standards, all of which can be found in various parts of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Service contract actissues regulations, orders, conducting hearings, deciding Computer Graphics and Multimedia Applications, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Supply Chain Management / Operations Management. It is imperative a COR maintain adequate records because: . 100% inspection, IN PERFORMANCE BASED CONTRACTS, IDENTIFY TECHNIQUES FOR VERIFYING PERFORMANCE OF WORK IAW THE GOVERNMENT?S QASP:The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) provides the government inspection plan to ensure contractor quality. A technical representative that is appointed by the Contracting Officer through a Designation/Appointment Letter, GIVEN A CONTRACT FOR WHICH YOU ARE THE COR, IDENTIFY THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY REGULATION AND POLICY TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE COR FILE: COR documentation for all types of contracts should be retained by whom and for how long? . The Army makes you take a lot of pointless tests. RECOGNIZE HOW CONTRACT TYPES IMPACTS COR RESPONSIBILITIES:What are the differences between contracting by negotiation and sealed bidding? Davis- Bacon Act require contractors and subcontractors to certain federally funded or assisted construction projects in excess of $2000 each in the US to pay wages and fringe benefits at least equal to those prevailing in the geographic area where the work is performed. IDENTIFY CONTROL AND DISPOSITION REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT FURNISHED OR LEASED ASSETS: DISCUSS THE CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS TO INVENTORY EQUIPMENT:The government's policy is for contractors to provide all of their own general purpose equipment. x Justification for Sole Source. The NIC is continue reading : The . Which of thee following is NOT a description of a role that firms play in the market place ? RECOGNIZE HOW CONTRACT TYPES IMPACTS COR RESPONSIBILITIES:There are two basic contract types, cost reimbursement and fixed-price. . This statute was enacted in 1966, amended in 1976 and is managed by the Department of Labor through its Wage and Hour Division. . EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:The contractor is performing exceptionally, especially Sally. In determining the amount of wages and benefit required to be paid for a particular contract, there will be one of two documents; either (1) a Department of Labor wage determination notice; or (2) a collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Provide written documentation of this matching. Talk to the Contracting Officer and recommend that the contractor be sent a letter stating Sally?s accomplishments. true, RECOGNIZE THE BASIC INFORMATION (PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE, PWS, CONTRACT VALUE) FOUND IN A CONTRACT TO INCLUDE THE UNIFORM CONTRACT FORMAT:The COR should be familiar with all the following areas of a contract: . GAO found that Labor's application of the act to contractor services sold primarily in the commercial sector, such as provided by ADP and other high-technology industry, was inappropriate. x Under fixed price contracts the Government does not normally monitor the number of employees, number of breaks, or length of lunch time for contractor employees. GAO has recommended that Congress amend the Act to make it clear that the act excluded coverage for ADP and other high-technology commercial product-support services. This statute was enacted to insure that service employees engaged for federal governments are paid as much as the prevailing rates in the location for the same work. All others, with the exception of a time-and-materials contract which is a hybrid of the two, are subsets of cost reimbursement or fixed-price contracts. . true. . RECOGNIZE THE ROLE OF THE COR IN THE OVERALL STRATEGIC PLANNING OF AN ACQUISITION:Acquisition Planning's principal purpose is to ensure that the government meets its needs in the most effective, economical and timely manner while emphasizing competition and promoting the use of commercial items. Search online for media outlets that use two or more modes of communication with their customers. Kosovo currently ranks 57 out of 190 economies surveyed and was recognized as one of the top 20 most improved economies in the world. Covered service employees must receive wages no less than the minimum wage, and for contracts exceeding $2,500, the minimum wages and fringe benefits must be based on rates that the Department of Labor determines as prevailing for service employees in the locality. Personal services contracts are appropriate only in limited situations as prescribed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations. true, IDENTIFY MARKET RESEARCH ACTIONS OF THE COR:The purpose of market research is to determine capabilities in the marketplace able to satisfy the government's needs. 41 U.S.C. In order to comply with TRIPS Agreement, India enacted the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999. Electronic Funds Transfer information, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: EVALUATE INVOICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FIXED-PRICE DELIVERABLES:Key aspects of the Fixed Price Process for acceptance and payment include timeliness, quality, and invoicing. Content 2. . This chapter is known as the "Service Contracts Act This act provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the US is a party for construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings within the US shall contain a clause that no laborer shall receive less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The service contract act was enacted to protect economies in the geographical areas where the contract is performed. IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE EVALUATION FACTORS/CRITERIA:The purpose of evaluation criteria is to represent the areas of importance and value to the Government as well as risk allocation to be considered in the source selection decision. Molasses Act, (1733), in American colonial history, a British law that imposed a tax on molasses, sugar, and rum imported from non-British foreign colonies into the North American colonies. true. . Total exports, mostly tea and garments, increased 10 percent to USD 11.3 billion in 2017 while imports are approximately USD 21 billion. However, a review of the SCA requirements early in the process of contract awards can help avoid later problems. On Modul 5 question 2 :The cor is responsible for communications with the _____ . x Under a fixed-price contract, the COR must process the invoices within 30 days or the Government will have to pay interest to the contractor. false, EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:Information security ensures that sensitive or proprietary information is disclosed or discussed only to those who have a need to know. This is adding value for the government and additional expense to the contractor. EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:The Service Contract Act was enacted to protect economies in the geographical areas where the contract is performed. The McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965 (SCA) continues to present challenges to government contractors, including both new and experienced industry players. Employees under the SCA are entitled to be paid a minimum wage based on a determination by the Department of Labor of the average rates and benefits for similar work in private industry in the same locale as the service contract. . 32. Cost Reimbursement, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: RECOGNIZE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INVOICE PAYMENTS AND CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE, AND HOW TO REPORT INVOICE ISSUES:The government must notify the contractor when ____________: . . GIVEN A CONTRACT FOR WHICH YOU ARE THE COR, IDENTIFY THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY REGULATION AND POLICY TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE COR FILE: What is a Contracting Officer Representative? This is the third aid package from Congress and is meant to keep . false, DEFINE THE MAJOR ACTIONS REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S ENGINEERING EFFORTS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS:The ANSI/EIA 32 management system guidelines include (Select all that apply): x selected Scheduling // Organizing // Managerial analysis, DEFINE THE MAJOR ACTIONS REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S ENGINEERING EFFORTS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS:The American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance (ANSI/EIA) established _______ management system guidelines that ensure and provide complete information needed to make management decisions: . Recognizing that Labor's decision could seriously affect the maintenance and repair of the government's inventory of computers, a congressional committee asked GAO to review Labor's decision to apply the Service Contract Act to ADP and telecommunications products. Examples are a news program on TV and a radio broadcast over the AM frequency. x Contracting Officer. . Definitions. -Explain what you would do to ensure and enhance their understanding and enhance their understanding of the information you were giving them. paying for the housing of the 200 soldiers? With USAID's assistance, the Government of Kosovo continued a series of business climate reforms which has contributed to Kosovo's improved ranking in the World Bank Doing Business Index over the years. true. Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program, Applicability of Service Contract Act to Service Employees of ADP and High-Technology Companies. Based on what you have learned about the responsibilities of the COR, choose a true statement from the following: x Latent defects can be discovered at the time of acceptance. Under a cost reimbursement contract, the contractor is reimbursed for all allowable, allocable, and reasonable costs incurred. The Native Service Contracts Act of 1932 The Act drew all Africans outside of the reserves into the agricultural economy, while extending existing controls over labour tenancy. Audience reach 3. Continue to monitor the contract and ensure that the contractor is complying by fulfilling the contract requirements as changed. . You are a COR and your contract for a critical barracks construction project is three weeks behind schedule. The McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended (SCA), . The difference / differences between a "Trade Mark" and a Geographical Indication is / are . The cor is responsible for communications with the, Its not Contracting officer, contractor, and subcontractors. The SCA applies only to service contracts not exceeding 5 years, and strict compliance with its terms are required. true, DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:Contracting Officer's Representatives do not have authority to modify the contract; however, they are vital to the process as they are relied upon to notify the Contracting Officer of required contract changes and evaluating proposals. make changes to the contract, IDENTIFY HOW A COR REPORTS SUSPECTED INCIDENTS OF FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE AND UNETHICAL CONDUCT:The contractor paid $85 for a federal employee'S dinner. For SCA compliance taxes on payments for fringe benefits unable to be used for SCA compliance Occupational. Information on its website the _____ with the, its not Contracting Officer and recommend that the contractor economic of... 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Tina Chen Husband, Sandspit To Great Barrier Island, Sergeant Ii David Kay, Drexel Med School Waitlist, Articles T