(looks down and yelps) I don't have any toes! FARQUAAD: Kill him if you have to--but get him! SHREK: I'm sorry. In the past, humans worried about beasts and godlike forces, but you don't need to fear starvation when you have grocery stores. Ha, ha! I sure as heck ain't no coward. FIONA: Of course, you are. Just beautiful. Your flying days are over. The remaining guards let go of Shrek and Fiona, backing away. Shrek looks around, noticing a man holding up a cue card up to the crowd that reads "APPLAUSE". DONKEY: You know what? I will have--. For a moment they stare into each other's eyes. LITTLE BEAR: (crying) This cage is too small. OLD WOMAN: Oh, oh, he's justhe's just a little nervous. The Captain tucks tail and runs off. Shrek and Fiona are now joined in matrimony in Shrek's swamp. You know, with you it's always "me, me, me!" SEQ. Don't get all slobbery. I'll see you drawn and quartered! Oh, you must know how it goes: A princess locked in a tower and beset by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight, and then they share true love's first kiss. FIONA: "By night one way, by day another." FARQUAAD: No, I have a better idea. SHREK: I live in a swamp. Nobody else! I'll stick with you. Fiona points downwards at a small arrow jutting out of Shrek's behind. She waited in the dragon's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower. She points her arm to her left and Shrek turns around. FARQUAAD: She's married to the muffin man A door opens and the Captain of the Duloc Guards steps in. She roars again and Shrek and Donkey take off running. This is not dignified! DONKEY: Yeah, right, brimstone. Horses, kegs of beer, arrow targets, and other equipment are scattered about. Donkeys don't have sleeves. There are little wooden people inside and they begin to sing. You can't catch me. SHREK: Ah! (he turns back around and Donkey is right in front of him.) I mean, it's late. The crowd gasps, but before he can make a move Shrek puts him in a full-nelson hold. They gaze into each other's eyes longingly. Shrek turns around to see who bumped into him and glares down at Donkey. THE CAPTAIN: That's it. Besides, even if I did tell her that, well, you know-- and I'm not sayin' I do, 'cause I don't -- she's a princess, and I'm Shrek tosses the spit aside and trudges away. MONSIEUR HOOD: When a beauty's with a beast it makes me awfully mad! SHREK: Yeah. I wish I had a step right here. I helped rescue the princess. In the center of a stadium-like arena, Duloc Knights are gathered as a large crowd of citizens watches on from the stands. You got something in your eye? DONKEY: Princess? DONKEY: What's the matter with you? A hideous creature! We can keep going. She smiles and then continues walking, singing softly. Like you said, "Who could love a hideous, ugly beast?". The sooner, the better. Captain of the Guards: Next! FIONA: Well, eat up. She smiles as she turns around to walk up the windmill's steps. FARQUAAD: Who cares?! "Wanted. Butthy deed is great, and thine heart is pure. That's why I'm better off alone. We'll never make it in time. SHREK: Does anyone else know where to find him? The dragon chases after Donkey, stomping on the pile of knight remains in its way. FARQUAAD: Oh, that is so sweet. He sighs and walks off. There's so much to do! Shrek has built a fire and is cooking something on a spit while Fiona eats. What are you doing? Okay, here we go. This be-ith our first meeting. Mirror, mirror on the wall, is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all? She hurries over to him. Fiona's voice is heard although she isn't moving her lips. (They come over a hill overlooking Shrek's home.) by . (drinks the mug in one gulp) Come on! Knights, new plan! SHREK: So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle. Later that night Shrek and Donkey are sitting around a campfire. SHREK: I don't care what everyone likes. Farquaad manically laughs as he walks over to the table. I heard enough last night. She looks down at him with disgust, and then averts her attention to the window. I don't wanna go back there! All right, hop on and hold on tight. In the center of the room, Dragon has Donkey wrapped up on her tail. SHREK: Yes, well, actually, that would be a giant. With Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Julie Andrews. We both have layers. DONKEY: What are you asking me for? So where is this fire-breathing pain-in-the-neck anyway? This is the transcript for the 2001 film, Shrek. It is the Magic Mirror. Shrek the Third - Final Screening Script 5. Donkey looks suspiciously over at the large pile of firewood already piled up. He starts shaking it to try and relapse it from the pulley. Shrek 2: Directed by Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury, Conrad Vernon. FARQUAAD: All right then. I'll handle the stairs. DONKEY: Stairs? Men with prompter cards hold up cards that says 'Revered Silence'. Couldn't have been the donkey. DONKEY: Cool. She puts her hand on his arm, but he nudges it away and walks past her. Shrek and Fiona ride away in their carriage. He lies on his back. That's bad! You don't know what it's like to be considered a freak. Farquaad points at Shrek. I'll never be stubborn again. He opens the front door and throws the Wolf out. Dragon roars, causing most of the guards to away in fear. Donkey looks into her eyes as she pets his muzzle, and he calms down. Her sad look turns to bitterness. SHREK: Sure, it's big enough, but look at the location. Shrek lands on Donkey and bumps him out of Dragon's grasp just as she is about to kiss him, and she instead kisses Shrek's butt. I am Lord Farquaad. Whoa! We wear our fear right out there on our sleeves. The sooner we get to Duloc the better. Do what? Just, just call me old-fashioned. A sonnet! DONKEY: Ah! I got a dragon here, and I'm not afraid to use it. The passages are littered with bones, armor, and weapons, presumably belonging to the many unsuccessful knights who tried to rescue the princess. Shrek climbs to the top of a tree, using his weight to cause the tree to bend over the river and form a bridge. VOICE: "Until you find true love's first kiss and then take love's true form. FIONA: Oh, now you wanna talk? SHREK: Oh, hey! (continues to bounce and sway as he backs Donkey across the bridge). SHREK: Oh, yeah. Shrek enters the outhouse and slams the door behind him. Swamp toad soup, fish eye tartare -- you name it. We'll just tackle this thing together one little baby step at a time. Fiona gives Shrek one last spiteful look. SHREK: The stars don't tell the future, Donkey. That's just how it has to be. You look awful. Shrek and Fiona try to grab each other's arms but are pulled away from each other. Dragon looks up at the chandelier hanging above them and gently lights its candles with her fire breath. As the bishop talks we see Donkey through one of the windows as Shrek tosses him up so he can see. After a brief silence, the crowd erupts into cheering and applause. Donkey blushes, causing Fiona to chuckle and Shrek to roll his eyes. I mean we really should get to know each other first, you know, as friends or maybe even pen pals. This way! I'm gonna die. I'd-- uh, uh(sighs) I'm in trouble. Shrek uses the ropes to launch himself at two knights, knocking them over with his arms. There is a montage of scenes as the group heads back to Duloc. Who'd want to live in place like that? Shrek turns and regards Donkey for a moment before loudly roaring in is face. SHREK: And, uh, that one, that's Throwback, the only ogre to ever spit over three wheat fields. Come on. (Shrek slams the door, shutting Donkey outside) I mean, I do like the outdoors. Please people, like @codeforester, keep it simple; the best software always is. Now it's my turn! Shrek pushes Fiona off him and rolls over to face Donkey. The bee, of. Ah! They reach the top of the climb and hoist themselves up and over the ridge. That's why I can't stay here with Shrek. Fiona makes eye contact with Shrek before he turns away. Shrek and Fiona both walk off in separate direction. She likes sushi and hot tubbing anytime! Fiona initially looks happily surprised to see him, but quickly becomes upset. DONKEY: I just know before this is over, I'm gonna need a whole lot of serious therapy. You're great pals, aren't ya? Once again everyone else claps. A group of birds flocks out the top of the roof, startling Donkey. But you only look like this at night. GET THE PDF. Okay. You'll beg for death to save you! You know, "Grab your torch and pitchforks." Shrek starts pulling down the wall and picks up a large branch. DONKEY: Oh, well, I guess that's cool. DONKEY: Oh, my God! DONKEY: What's the point of being able to talk if you gotta keep secrets? I respect that, Shrek. Princess, where are you? SHREK: (chuckles) You know, you're not exactly what I expected. -Next! SHREK: No, this is one of those "drop it and leave it alone" things! SHREK: Ah, that's not very nice (Looks at Donkey and then back at Farquaad). DONKEY: You know what else everybody likes? Fiona is now intently looking at Shrek, smiling. SHREK: Oh you can't tell me you're afraid of heights. You're trying to give them a hint and they won't leave. You're just jealous that you can never measure up to a great ruler like Lord Farquaad. Donkey looks inside from a window, and then lays down by the front door. Captain, round up some guests! Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters. Shrek pauses to look around and heads for a set of wooden doors. Or something! DONKEY: Princess, how 'bout if you don't marry Farquaad? Show me the princess. Take a look at me. An image of Cinderella doing housework flips to a portrait of Cinderella in her ball gown putting on the glass slipper. DONKEY: Slow down. Hours have passed and Fiona has calmed down. Donkey gasps and makes eye contact with Shrek. Keep on moving. And that's when you say, "I object!". They gaze up into the sky as Shrek points out certain star constellations to Donkey. Donkey, unable to grab on, falls off but Shrek catches him by the tail. (pushes the coffin away). Shrek challenges Fiona, Donkey, Puss in Boots and the others to spend the night in Lord Farquaad's haunted castle telling scary stories. SHREK: Wait a second. I guess uh Me and Pinocchio was going to catch a tournament, anyway, so uh.. It wasn't no brimstone. SHREK: Yeah, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick. Well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back? BISHOP: People of Duloc, we gather here today to bear witness to the union. Fiona glances nervously at the window, noticing the sun slowly dropping toward the horizon. shrek script no spaces . Unfamiliar dangerous situation, I might add. You're right, Donkey. DONKEY: Man that ain't nothin' but a bunch of little dots. Take it and go before I change my mind. That really made me feel good to see that. Yeah. The Ghost of Lord Farquaad. You think that Shrek is your true love? Blue flower, red thorns. Shrek glances over to see if Donkey understands him, but is met with a blank look. You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight. Look at my eye twitchin'. Shrek and Donkey gaze out into the crater. SHREK: (Annoyed) Oh, that's great. Shrek picks him up and throws him over his shoulder, and the three continue on their journey. SHREK: Just, Donkey - - Let's have a dance then, shall me? You got that kind of "I-don't-care-what-nobody-thinks-of-me" thing. DONKEY: No, I'm just a little uncomfortable about being on a rickety bridge over a boiling like of lava! Using himself as a screen, the Magic Mirror reveals three shadowy portraits of princesses. Tutorial. I'll make you a deal. Me, me! DONKEY: Man, I like you. Shrek lightly tugs at the arrow but stops, wincing in pain. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. He wipes his mouth and waits for the villagers to stop screaming. Donkey: Yes, roomie? Well, gentlemen, I bid thee good night. Two! They was trippin' over themselves like babes in the woods. Look, there's Bloodnut the Flatulent. Where did you learn that? Donkey steps through a rotting board, which falls down into the fiery lava below. Fiona quickly rips the arrow out of Shrek's butt with one great pull. Shrek yanks on the door handle only for it to snap off. total of 15.5ish hours. Shrek walks over to the edge of the cliff and sits down. Panic-stricken, Fiona looks back fearfully at the setting sun. Donkey manages to squish two knights into the mud and rolls over another group of knights running after Shrek. (He drops out of the air and hits the ground with a thud.). Put me down! Donkey dodges the guards as they try to grab him and runs deeper into the forest. You think --who, whoa, wait a sec. Help! SHREK: Oh, no, no, no. FIONA: No kidding. Donkey is frozen with fear, unable to tell who the figure is. Tell me or I'll(he grabs one of Gingy's gumdrop buttons). LITTLE PIG: Lord Farquaad. SHREK: Okay, you two, head for the exit! Come on, give it up for Snow White! DONKEY: Shrek, wait, wait! FIONA: You're -- you're wonderful. Move it along. Go on this quest for me, and I'll give you your swamp back. You should ask him that when we get there. You're right. Farquaad looks down and pulls the sheet up to cover himself as the covers rise. The masked man is dunking what looks to be a small person into the glass of milk. Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait"? FARQUAAD: Okay, okay, uh number three! Shrek and Fiona kiss and the kiss fades into their wedding kiss. Farquaad's room is is filled with items prepared for his wedding, including crowns and wedding outfits for him and Fiona. Come on! Fiona pulls her arm free from Shrek and stops running. The mirror shows a portrait of Snow White in her slumber. Dragon blows a heart-shaped smoke ring at Donkey. Shrek and Fiona kiss. DONKEY: And you know what else? (he holds out his onion). Bee Movie (Script) Lyrics According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. She leans over to kiss Farquaad but Shrek pulls her away by the hand. Donkey begins to head in a random direction into the forest. Get him! As they reach the middle of the bridge the fire burns the bridge and it snaps in half. Shrek takes off his helmet and reveals his ogre self. SHREK: (holds up a mug of beer) Can't we just settle this over a pint? FARQUAAD: I'm not the monster here, you are. I put up signs. Oh, God, I can't do this! FIONA: And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed? The crowd gasps at the mention of Lord Farquaad. DONKEY: Look, you love this woman, don't you? Donkey wakes up with a yawn as the guards march by. A single light shines in the window of the tallest tower. Fairy tale creatures are put in chains and led into wagons by Duloc Guards. Oh, man, I can't feel my toes! I'm terrified. A large group of guards stand outside the cathedral on watch. I'm already on a quest. Suddenly the magic of the spell pulls Fiona away. (He dodges out the way of a group of witches flying on broomsticks). Shrek spins back around with a hopeful look on his face while Fiona tries to regain her composure. Baby Bear raises his hand but Papa Bear quickly lowers his hand down. Shrek grabs Fiona once again and takes off running towards the direction of the dragon's roar. Oh. Donkey trots over to Shrek as he kneels by the fire and fiddles with one of the spits. Shrek and Fiona give each happy looks, having made up an excuse to stall for time. SHREK: Men of Farquaad's stature are inshort supply. She lands with a back flip in front of Shrek and Donkey. DONKEY: Celebrity marriages. Several of the characters from the movie made their way into the musical, but that doesn't mean they all stayed the same. Parfaits. Just let me off, please! I would'st look upon the face of my rescuer. the lovers elliot oracle; sad drawings easy step by step Donkey begins to hum 'On the Road Again'. Your welcome is officially worn out! You and what army? The mention of this Lord Farquaad prompts Fiona to turn around in surprise. and set down in front of her. (Advancing toward her) I'm a delivery boy. All of you, move it! SHREK: Oh, yeah? For emotional support. DONKEY: All right, all right. SHREK: (Picking up pieces of armor) The princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower. DONKEY: You're afraid of the dark, aren't you? Donkey hops up onto one of the larger beer barrels. (chuckling) That'sis that blood? 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