[20] Less than four months after Guzmn Decena's death, the Mexican military captured the Gulf cartel's kingpin, Osiel Crdenas Guilln, on 14 March 2003. All rights reserved. Another Zetas leader arrested in Falcon Lake killing. A la edad de 24 aos abandona el Ejrcito para incursionar en el mundo del narcotrfico. Nonetheless, he would have also lived comfortably as a successful GAFE member in the army. The rebellion was a symbolic rising against poverty and the single-party rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), and many rebels took arms; the Mexican government, however, sent in the GAFE to put down the Zapatistas. [12] But in mid-1999, Osiel Crdenas Guilln, after his daughter's baptism ceremony, ordered Guzmn Decena to execute Gmez Herrera, the godfather of Crdenas Guilln's baby. [10] The role of Los Zetas was soon expanded by "collecting debts, securing cocaine supply and trafficking routes known as 'plazas,' and executing its foes often with grotesque savagery. Mexican marines killed Lazcano in a shootout on Sunday in a small town in northern Mexico, 130 miles from the Texas border, the countrys navy said. Ortiz Franco was gunned down in front of his two young children as he left a clinic. (Foto:DEA), Desde cualquier medio, periodismo en libertad, Retiran reconocimiento del Da del Abogado a ministra Esquivel Mossa, Alista AMLO cierre de operaciones de carga en el AICM. El Diario 10-11-2012 Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat Singuilucan, Hidalgo-- 54 kilometers (32 miles) from the capital city of the state of Hidalgo lies the country that witnessed the growth of one of the founders of the of the criminal organization known as "Los Zetas. With reports of the death of Zetas leader Heriberto Lazcano, alias Z-3, there are already plenty of conspiracy theories for why his body disappeared -- including assertions that he was never killed in the first place. Lazcano, known as "El Lazca," was a founder and one of two top leaders of the brutal Zetas drug cartel and was one of Mexico's most-wanted drug lords. Una de ellas es que no concuerda la descripcin del examen traumatolgico con las fotografas difundidas del cadver.[9]. ", Following the orders, Guzmn Decena recruited dozens of soldiers from the Mexican military. Soldiers left their ranks and joined Los Zetas over some months and were from a number of different military units, but a number of GAFE soldiers made up a large part of the deserters. Copyright 2022 IBTimes LLC. Aliases: The Executioner, El Lazca, Z-3 Discovery Company. The United States and Mexico combined had offered rewards of more than $7 million for information leading to his capture. WebHeriberto Lazcano Lazcano, commonly referred to by his aliases Z-3 and El Lazca, was a Mexican drug lord and the leader of Los Zetas drug cartel. Las autoridades de Mxico calificaron a Lazcano como un asesino violento e incluso se rumorea que en una de sus propiedades tiene animales salvajes como tigres y leones, a los que en algunas ocasiones ha alimentado con sus vctimas, en especial agentes federales.[6]. For years, some military generals took bribes from the cartels; amid the turmoil, Guzmn Decena acknowledged that he was better off outside the system and as a leader of Los Zetas. Bribes were seen by soldiers as "benefits" to their job, and officers stood firm to the idea that they were protectors of the Mexican people. With reports of the death of Zetas leader Heriberto Lazcano, alias Z-3 , there are already plenty of conspiracy theories for why his body disappeared -- including Especially given that it is the very end of President Felipe Calderons term in office, there is arguably more pressure than ever on the security forces to capture the capos with recognizable names and faces. ASISTENTE DE DESPACHO JUDICIAL. A senator from the rival Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) echoed such remarks, stating that the case of the missing body could turn into "a telenovela in which Lazcano later turns up alive or turns out to be a protected witness.". Tras su muerte, su cuerpo fue sacado de la funeraria por una banda armada. Guzmn Decena reportedly received military training from the Israeli special forces. The "new Mexico" and the democracy that came with it was feared by many soldiers who had made abuses during the old regime. WebHeriberto Lazcano. While in the military, he was a talented and bright soldier, earning a position in the Special Forces of the Mexican military by the mid-1990s. ", Guzmn Decena "What type of people do you need?" [1], Rogelio Gonzlez Pizaa was born in Mexico on 1 March 1974. Legal Statement. While operating as the security chief in the city of Miguel Alemn, Tamaulipas, he was recruited by Crdenas Guilln's cartel. He was one of the most-wanted Mexican drug lords. These in part, The monolithic sway of mass media on thought processes, where packaging is everything and the medium is the message., SVA MA Design Research, Writing and Criticism, Randy Radic is a former super model who succumbed to the ravages of time and age. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, leader of Los Zetas, defeated the religious to make them believe his image of benefactor The leaders of drug trafficking are convinced that only two people are fit to govern: they and the one from above. It is not by chance that they have chosen the cleric as an intermediary in criminal negotiations. The third-in-command was Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano (alias "Z3"). Time and time again throughout the countrys drug war, government institutions have only simulated at doing what they are actually meant to do: even the Attorney Generals Office special investigative unit for organized crime allegedly had employees on the Sinaloa Cartels payroll. 6:44 AM EDT, Wed October 10, 2012. Fingerprints confirm that the leader of the Zetas drugs cartel, Heriberto Lazcano, was killed in a shootout with marines in a state bordering Texas, the Mexican Market data provided by Factset. A Navy spokesperson tells AP that Martinez is believed to have masterminded the massacre of 72 migrants in the northern state of Tamaulipas in 2010. 45 days of intel work led to drug lords capture in Venezuela. Within some months, Guzmn Decena commanded a mercenary army of 38 defected soldiers enticed by salaries substantially higher than those paid by the Mexican government. The arrest of the alleged son of Sinaloa Cartel leader Joaquin Chapo Guzman turned out to be a false report. [4][5] His talents and aggressive behavior earned him a position with an elite Mexican military group called Grupo Aeromvil de Fuerzas Especiales (GAFE), originally trained in counter-insurgency tactics for the Zapatista uprising in 1994 and for locating and apprehending members of Mexico's drug trafficking organizations. Heriberto Lazcano, el Lazca, Verdugo y/o Z-3 (Hidalgo, 1974-Coahuila, 2012) tena mil y un rostros: uno por cada persona que lo miraba. In areas where morgues are in short supply, medical examiners sometimes perform autopsies at funeral homes. Affiliation: Los Zetas All rights reserved. No por casualidad han elegido al clrigo como intermediario en las negociaciones criminales. Al sur de Pachuca y a un kilmetro de la Iglesia de Nuestra Seora de los Lagos, Heriberto Lazcano construy un lujoso sepulcro, pues de acuerdo con sus allegados, el hombre crea en el eterno descanso. En 2003, tras la detencin de Crdenas Guilln, el tambin llamado crtel de la ltima letra se independiz del Crtel del Golfo y comenz una guerra contra otros grupos criminales rivales y contra las autoridades. Crdenas Guilln "The best armed men that there are." Our work is costly and high risk. There is a stark contrast between the amount of information available for the hows and whys of Lazcanos death, compared to the many piles of anonymous victims that the Zetas left behind and whom the government has not identified. The Sunday shootout which reportedly claimed the life of Lazcano took place in the rural area of Progreso, Coahuila, about 80 miles west of the Texas border, near Laredo. (Con informacin de Notimex). Grupo Aeromvil de Fuerzas Especiales (GAFE), Un comando armado roba el cuerpo del jefe cado de los Zetas, Heriberto Lazcano: un poder tras la sombra, Ex-rivals' merge to 'megacartel' intensifies brutality in Mexico, Sustrajeron cadver de El Lazca de la funeraria: PGJ-Coahuila, https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Heriberto_Lazcano_Lazcano&oldid=148492278, Wikipedia:Pginas con plantillas con argumentos duplicados, Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin Compartir Igual3.0. Soon after, Lazcano and several other special forces members were recruited by the Gulf cartel to create its enforcement arm, Los Zetas. [2] In the late 1990s, the Gulf Cartel leader Osiel Crdenas Guilln, fearing his rivals, decided to form an elite armed squadron to protect him. In the gunmen's' vehicle, authorities found a grenade launcher, 12 grenades, what appeared to be rocket propelled grenade launcher and two rifles. Two of the gunmen were killed in the ensuing shootout, the navy's statement said. ASISTENTE DE DESPACHO JUDICIAL DE TRIBUNAL DE ALZADA. They were attacked with grenades thrown from a moving vehicle and a firefight ensued, it said. The body of Zetas drug cartel leader Heriberto Lazcano has been stolen by an armed gang. There is also something grisly about the amount of detail made public over every single bullet entry and exit point on Lazcanos body. The images "are manipulated and were created in order to pretend that the victim is Lazca," the source stated. One Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) senator openly questioned whether Lazcano was a protected witness, explaining why his body disappeared so quickly. The group, which became known as Los Zetas, was mostly composed of former members of the Mexican Armed Forces. [9] But military records show that this claim is false and inaccurate. Unlike the rest of the founders of Los Zetas, however, he did not serve in the Mexican Armed Forces before joining the drug trade. WebAn autopsy carried out on the body of drug cartel leader Heriberto Lazcano before his body was stolen shows he died of six gunshot wounds, including two to the head, according to Heriberto Lazcano conocido en el mundo del hampa como El Verdugo o Z-3 o, se enrol en el Ejrcito mexicano a los 17 aos pero a los 24, despus de no haber pasado de cabo, se uni al narcotrfico como gatillero del Crtel del Golfo, fundado por Osiel Crdenas Guilln, quien reclutando a militares desertores de las Fuerzas Armadas de Mxico form a finales de los aos noventa a su brazo armado, Los Zetas. Mexico saw outbreaks of violence last week in three different states. Lazcano always proved elusive, and it seems as though in death he is no different. El comandante de Lazcano es Miguel Trevio Morales. PANDEMIC. He is the son of infamous drug lord Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn, once considered Mexico's most-wanted drug lord and the world's most-wanted criminal. There are also three different public records of Lazcanos height: according to the DEA, it is 58, or about 173 centimeters. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Lder Zeta, el demonio que crean mesas. "[11], Once Juan Garca brego, the founder of the Gulf cartel, was imprisoned in 1996, ngel Salvador Gmez Herrera (a.k.a. Guzmn Decena was born in a poor village in Puebla, Mexico on 13 January 1976, and finished middle school and high school before joining the Mexican military to escape poverty. Authorities at the scene recovered two assault rifles, a grenade launcher and 12 grenades, as well as a rocket launcher and two rockets. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano fue abatido el 7 de octubre de 2012 en un enfrentamiento con efectivos de la Armada de Mxico en Progreso, Coahuila. The members were given a codename with the letter Z, starting with Guzmn Decena with Z-1. Instead, according to the available photos, the corpse's face is intact. Lazcano was a onetime special forces soldier who became a founding member of the Zetas, a group accused of some of the most violent atrocities that have come to define the drug wars. Antes que l figuraba Arturo Guzmn Decena (Z-1) quien fue muerto tras un atentado en el interior de un restaurante en Matamoros en noviembre de 2002. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Web : Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano : Z-3 1974 1225 - 2012 107 "El Verdugo" ( El 5 de junio de 1991, a los 17 aos, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano se alist en las filas del Ejrcito. UPDATE: Lazcano was reportedly killed on October 9, 2012 in a gunfight with marines in Coahuila, a northern Mexico border state, according to information from the Mexican navy. Lazcano fue reclutado en el Crtel del Golfo por otro exmilitar, Arturo Guzmn Decena, El Z-1, a quien tanto la PGR como la SSP federal le atribuyen la fundacin de Los Zetas. We encourage readers to copy and distribute our work for non-commercial purposes, with attribution to InSight Crime in the byline and links to the original at both the top and bottom of the article. Meanwhile, the database kept by the federal government says that Lazcano was born in 1975, according to Proceso. TIME looks at 10 of the country's most prominent gangsters dead or alive. Hence, a crucial factor in his defection may have been the seismic change of Mexico's transition to democracy and the tearing rule of the PRI. We want to sustain Latin Americas largest organized crime database, but in order to do so, we need resources. The Coahuila state prosecutors' office said the autopsy determined Lazcano died of brain injuries, hemorrhaging, shock and blood loss. Mexican federal agents later released the conversation between the two after an informant passed on the information of the new unit:[9], Crdenas Guilln "I want the best men. The cartel also is blamed for setting a fire at a casino in Monterrey that killed 52 people. Stay up to date with our daily newsletter, Russia Threatens To Take Back Alaska From US Over War Sanctions, '140,000 Soldiers and 953 Ships': Leaked Audio Clip Reveals China's Plan To Invade Taiwan. Lazcano (Z-3) segn reportes de la PGR, era tercero en el orden de mando. WebHeriberto Lazcano-Lazcano is the figurative leader of Los Zetas and the security chief for the Gulf Cartel. appreciated. "Heriberto Lazcano, a Zetas leader, was killed in Mexico but is the cartel done?". The Christian Science Monitor. Archived from the original on 10 October 2012. Retrieved 10 October 2012. ^ "Marina: Natural ascenso de Trevio en Zetas". El Universal (Mexico City) (in Spanish). 11 October 2012. Archived from the original on 12 October 2012. Hasta la fecha de su muerte fue considerado el segundo narcotraficante ms buscado de Mxico.[2]. Despus de que el gobierno captur a Osiel Crdenas en 2003, Los Zetas tuvieron que emprender el camino solos. [7][9], Crdenas Guilln then asked Guzmn Decena to help him recruit and set up the most ferocious hit squad possible for his cartel. He began to take bribes from the Gulf Cartel while still serving in the military, but eventually defected to work full-time for the criminal organization in 1997. As reporter Anabel Hernandez points out for Proceso, its not even clear when the Zetas leader was born. During his military career, Guzmn Decena received counter-insurgency training, acquired skills in explosives, and learned how to track down and apprehend his enemies from an elite combat group trained by the U.S. Special Forces and the Israel Defense Forces.[2][3]. Su vida dentro de las fuerzas armadas mexicanas dur siete aos. [7], Now one of the brightest, highly trained, and bloodiest members in the GAFE, Guzmn Decena was sent to the northern state of Tamaulipas. After reporters questioned why the corpse in the photo had notably different ears from previously released images of Lazcano, the Coahuila state attorney general said that the Zetas leader had had ear surgery. Known to his associates as "Squirrel," Escobedo also has been linked to the escape of 151 prisoners in 2010 from a jail in the city of Nuevo Laredo, the recent flight of 131 prisoners in the city of Piedras Negras and the killing of U.S. citizen David Hartley in 2010 on Falcon Lake, which straddles the U.S.-Mexico border. Quienes lo visitan en el Panten Ejidal San Francisco aseguran que se trata de un mausoleo que destaca entre las dems fosas. En Estados Unidos se ofreca 5 millones de dlares por informacin que llevara a su captura, y 30 millones de pesos en Mxico. Lazcano was a onetime special forces soldier who became a founding member of the Zetas, a group accused of some of the most violent atrocities that have [8], Sin embargo, algunos especialistas en criminalstica consideran que el cadver no perteneca a Heriberto Lazcano, ya que se encontraron algunas incongruencias. The Zetas headquartered in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, directly across the border from Laredo, Texas make up Mexicos largest drug cartel in terms of territory. The marines who killed Lazcano had responded Sunday to reports of an armed group in the town of Progreso, in the northern state of Coahuila, the navy said. We then verify, write and edit, providing the tools to generate real impact. Reportes en septiembre de 2008 indican que Heriberto Lazcano (Los Zetas) alcanz un pacto de colaboracin con los hermanos Beltrn Leyva y con Vicente Carrillo Fuentes del Crtel de Jurez. [11], Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, threatening two U.S. federal agents in Matamoros, "Fundador zeta, El Lazca fue entrenado por el Ejrcito y agentes de EU en combate al crimen", "A Profile of Los Zetas: Mexico's Second Most Powerful Drug Cartel", "DESIGNATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREIGN NARCOTICS KINGPIN DESIGNATION ACT", "An overview of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act", "Dan 16 aos de crcel a ex lder de Los Zetas", "Al estilo Caro, lder "Zeta" sale de prisin", "Investiga DEA a 'El Keln' por amenaza a agentes", "Ejecutan a un fundador de los 'Zetas' en Matamoros", Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn (20012014), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rogelio_Gonzlez_Pizaa&oldid=1113552929, People sanctioned under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, People involved in the 1999 Matamoros standoff, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 October 2022, at 02:03. In Mexicos drug conflict, even the victories are never what they seem. He served as the right-hand man of Crdenas Guilln until 21 November 2002, when he was gunned down and killed by the Mexican Army Special Forces in the border city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Uno de los narcotraficantes ms buscados por el gobierno mexicano hasta su muerte fue Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, lder de Los Zetas, una de las agrupaciones Se han sentado con ellos o por separado, tratando de conciliar los diferentes intereses. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano (25 December 1974 7 October 2012), commonly referred to by his aliases Z-3 and El Lazca, was a Mexican drug lord and the leader of Los Zetas drug cartel. He was one of the most-wanted Mexican drug lords. 2023 Cable News Network. Aliases: The Executioner, El Lazca, Z-3 Affiliation: Los Zetas Born: Dec. 25, 1974, in Veracruz Bounty: $5 million (U.S.), 30 million pesos (Mexico) What We Know: Lazcano served in the Mexican armed forces as part of the elite Airborne Special Forces Group. [8][9] Despite his release, the DEA still maintains an open investigation on Gonzlez Pizaa for his involvement in drug trafficking and for threatening two U.S. federal agents in Matamoros in 1999. Heriberto Lazcano, known in the world of the underworld as El Verdugo or Z-3 or, joined the Mexican Army at the age of 17, but at 24, after not having passed out, The new sentence was of 6 years and 3 days in prison (prison time he had already served since his arrest). Mexico's navy said its personnel had no idea they had killed the leader of the country's most-feared drug cartel until after his body was stolen. This occurred because a court in Guadalajara, Jalisco decided to change his original 16-year sentence given by a court in Toluca, State of Mexico with a new one. All rights reserved. In May, authorities found 49 decapitated and dismembered bodies along a highway in Nuevo Leon. Lazcano muri en un tiroteo con la Armada de Mxico el 7 de octubre de 2012. La saxofonista tambin seal otras irregularidades en torno a la forma en que se est abordando su caso, la agresin le dej graves afectaciones a su salud e integridad, Argentina, Bolivia y Chile poseen la mayor parte del 60 por ciento estimado de las reservas mundiales del metal, que es fundamental para la produccin masiva de vehculos elctricos, Las ofertas laborales que se ofrecen abarcan todos los niveles educativos, La senadora del PAN revivi el escndalo de Selgamex, as como la muerte de pacientes en hospitales de Pemex y del IMSS, El espaol habra dejado de lado las bromas para recoger a sus hijos en la casa en la que viva anteriormente con la artista, Presuntos sicarios del Crtel del Noreste calcinaron a empresario tras enfrentamiento con policas en Nuevo Len, Los delincuentes se atrincheraron en un rancho propiedad de Gustavo Levy Navarro, posteriormente el cuerpo de dicha persona fue hallado por las autoridades, CJNG amenaz con ejecuciones, levantones y cortar manos en Valle de Chalco, Edomex, El crtel de las cuatro letras coloc varias narcomantas en Valle de Chalco y dijo que matar criminales por usar el nombre de la agrupacin delictiva, La mascota extica que delat a otro capo del Crtel de Sinaloa, Un escorpin encontrado en la casa de Ovidio Guzmn podra hundirlo en los Estados Unidos, segn una reciente investigacin, Todos Los Derechos Reservados 2021 Infobae, Los santos del narco: a quines le rezan los capos y los rangos bajos de los crteles mexicanos, Mi seor, prepara mis dedos para la guerra: as rezan los narcos del Crtel del Golfo antes de una batalla. 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